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Dutch Resistance: Albrecht Ite Snip

Stockfoto via by Chris Curry Unsplash

Albrecht Ite Snip

27-02-1921 in Groningen + 03-08-1998 in Emmen (Dr)

Son of: Jakop Snip and Reina van Steinvoorn

Arrested by the Germans for resistance work beginning of 1944. Transferred to Camp Germany and died 03-08-1998 in Emmen (Dr)

The following documents were found in the Groningen archives:

  1. System cards of resistance-involved individuals concerning Albrecht Ite Snip and Kornelis Mulder

  2. Letter from Kornelis Mulder mentioning Albrecht Ite.

  3. Declaration of Albrecht Ite dated Groningen 10-12-1977.

1.1. Snip, Albrecht Ite

Groningen, Star Numansplein 32ª

Pater, H.; Mulder

27-02-1921 in Groningen


In early ’44 [22-02-1944, also a Kl. Snip] arrested and held in various camps in Germany. Liberated from there on 02-05-1945. See the letter written by him with Kornelis Mulder’s card.

Resistance Group:
IP Trouw

Resistance Activities
Cyclostyled and distributed the “Trouw” bulletin. Also, messages from the English broadcaster according to the court documents, which mention the profession of the involved person as ‘kaufm. Angestellte’ [commercial employee].

Snip, Albrecht Ite

Special Notes
Buried on 26-04-1996 – No doubt about this date. S.O.S.

Groninger Archives

The mentioned Kl. Snip in the document could be Albrecht’s brother Klaas, but from reliable sources, it now appears that Albrecht Ite’s brother Klaas was not deported.

However, on the day Albrecht was arrested, his mother was also arrested and taken to the Scholtenshuis in Groningen.

1.2. Mulder, Kornelis

Reformed Free

Snip, A.I.; Roerdink, W.; Boersma, P.; Wieringa, W.; Wolthuis, W.H.; Boedeltje, A.; Niewold, Anton Pieter; Kremer, Gerrit

April 9, 1916 in Groningen

February 10, 1978

Typist at the Agricultural Research Station in Haren

Arrested, among others, by Keijer on February 28, 1944. The SD (Sicherheitsdienst, German Security Service) was actually looking for his brother Jur. Detained in the Groningen and Utrecht House of Detention. The trial did not proceed due to Dolle Dinsdag (Mad Tuesday). Afterwards, in German camps in Essen, Dieburg, and Bernau. Eventually liberated by Americans from there on May 3, 1945, and arrived in Eindhoven on May 26, 1945, and Groningen on May 27, 1945, taking detours.

Groningen, Meeuwerderweg 182

Resistance Group:
IP Trouw

Resistance Activities
Boersma Group, distribution of illegal papers and news articles

Mulder, Kornelis

Buried in Haren on February 15, 1978 Location of Archives: Groninger Archives

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