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Dutch Resistance: Peterus (Piet) Douwma

Peterus - Piet - Douwma

Resistance 1940-1945

Mrs. Anne-Maria Douma (* 15-12-1930 in Amsterdam and married to Johan Snip * 11-12-1927 in Amsterdam), tells a remarkable story about her father Peterus (Piet) Douwma (married to Anna Christina Otto) is found at the link below:

‘Peterus Douwma, a skipper born on July 27, 1903 in Amsterdam / Netherlands, gassed in June 1942 in the provincial clinic Bernburg. (Prisoner number unknown)’


Jan Wobbes doop

From Snip to Smitter

On the 5th of May 1747, Jan Wobbes, son of Wobbe Popkes and Aaltje Cornelis, was baptized in Midwolde. Up until then, there was hardly

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Jelle Snip

The father of Jelle Snip

At the registration of the birth of Jelle (* 01-01-1930), the son of Grietje Wygers Snip, a certain Geeske Jans van Zannen (Zanten) is the

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