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Family Matters

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It’s sometimes strange how things can go within our large SNIPPEN family, as I was already aware, but recently I received a message from Marleen Engel, who lives up to her name, and whom I warmly thank for her stream of information, photo contributions, and the following little story:

Her husband became the brother-in-law of a certain Mr. X, because this Mr. X married his sister. Unfortunately, as happens in the best of families, the marriage was dissolved. Our Marleen comes from a family of two children and has a sister named Mieke.

Now it just so happens that the aforementioned Mieke has set her sights on the divorced Mr. X and is marrying him. Marleen’s husband T………… is thus becoming the brother-in-law of, then not, and then again the brother-in-law of this Mr. X.

Text by Andries de Leeuw.

Grietje Pieters Snip

Youthful Criminal

Grietje Pieters Snip:  *12-06-1788   +24-09-1837 On April 9, 1807, Grietje Pieters Snip was arrested for theft from the house of Johannes Tonnis and his

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Dorpsgezicht met graafwerkzaamheden, Doezum 1905-1910, via Beeldbank Groningen


Distribution area Census of 1947 – name Snip The Snips in North Holland are generally Snips that do not belong to the Snip family described

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William Snip Obituary

William Snip Obituary

William P. Snip, 92, from Sparta, passed away on July 25, 2022. Born on August 6, 1929, in Marne, Michigan, he was the son of

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