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Smitter, Lambert

* 09-07-1916 in Grand Rapids (Michigan) USA
+ 05-07-1978 in Santa Clara (California) USA

Beroep/Profession: Chief Motor Machinist Mate (CMOMM) US Navy


Ouders/Parents: Nicholas Smitter en/and Afien Klooster (Effie)

Photo: Lambert (to the right) with his brother Fred and his father Nicholas

Huwelijk/Marriage: 21-06-1965? in …………….. met/with

Beatrice V Bassett (Bess)

* 30/31-03-1904 in ………………
+ 20-06-2000 in California, USA



Ouders/Parents: ………………… en/and …………………….

Kinderen/Children: Geen/None